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It's The Peahen in me...

Question… If you were an animal, what animal would you be? I replied, a PEAHEN! Some questioned, others looked puzzle. As I begun to explain my answer, I first explain the purpose of the bird.

Peafowls are very BOLD, UNQIE, and SOPHITICATED birds, humans admire all their characteristics. With such farce features, Peafowls symbolize integrity and the beauty we as human achieve when we strive to show our true colors.

What is a Peafowl? A peafowl is an Indian type specie. Although most people call them peacocks, the word really just mean the male bird. Peacocks and Peahens are all Peafowls. One’s a male the other is a female. Oh!.. And the babies are also called Peachicks, kinda like chickens. We call the male a Rooster, the female a Hen, and babies chikies… Cute right!..

As I explore the true “ME”. I came across a peacock article, and thought.. Well this explains ME, the true me to be exact. At the time, I was going through a path in life where every day for three years I was surrounded by colleagues that had no sense of direction. None that was positive and uplifting. I realize we had great conversations, but add 0% values to each other lives. See, the thing is, I knew what I wanted and I knew what I needed to do to get it done. Many can relate, but to different journeys in their lives. Like my Brother would always say, “Motivation comes in different ways”.

Kinda like the song Journey by Bugle, “Some people stop by obstacles my journeys continues, Di devil is always gonna be around hauntin you, every single day he’ll be tautin you, B***lon always lookin something to plant on you”. I guess what I’m trying to say is, your goals and dreams should always be your journey, but through your journey there WILL be many obstacles and temptations in life.

With that said. Enjoy the littles things!.. Stay focus, but have fun on your journey!..

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